ABC Sambal Bawang Pedas 335ml

ABC Sambal Bawang Pedas 335ml

ABC Sambal Bawang Pedas 335ml


ABC Sambal Bawang Pedas 335ml.

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ABC Sambal Bawang Pedas 335ml.
ABC Saus tomat dan Sambal adalah saus yang memiliki aroma khas. Saus sambal dan tomat ABC terbuat dari bahan cabai dan tomat segar pilihan dan dipadukan bumbu dan bahan pilihan.

Saus tomat dan sambal ABC memiliki banyak varian rasa yang berbeda-beda. Saus tomat dan sambal ABC memiliki sensasi rasa yang unik dan menambah selera makan Anda. Saus tomat dan sambal ini tersedia dalam berbagai kemasan yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda.
Inilah semua kelebihan ABC Saus Tomat dan Sambal.

Tozerba aims to include in the product list up to date pictures of the products and accurate ingredients, nutritional information, country of origin and other information.
However, product detail may change from time to time and there may be a delay in making updates.
When precise information is important, we recommend that you read the label on the products you purchase or contact the manufacturer of the product.
A customer has the responsibility to check product best before during the online purchase written in the product description.
A best before date is an indicator of when the food may start to deteriorate in quality. Products purchased after this date may still be safe to eat if they’ve been stored appropriately and remain unopened, for more info.


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